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Job Interview
Key Points
- Tell me about yourself?
- What are you passionate about?
- Anything you are passionate about?
- What’s your strength and weakness?
- What does your boss say about you?
- What’s your career plan?
- What was that you have inspired the most, recently?
- What would you like to accomplish in next 30 days? (or 90 days?)
- Would you go through your resume?
- Would you tell me about your educational background?
- Would you tell me about your typical day?
- Would you tell me more about XXXXX?
- Any experience with XXXXX?
- Why are you seeking a new position now?
- Just curious why looking for next oppunity, why leaving {Current Company}?
New Job/Company/Position/Project etc
- Why this job?
- Why are you interested in our company?
- What do you think about us?
- What do you know about us?
- What do you know about our products?
- What do you know about our tech stack?
- What is the most important thing as {New Role}
- How do you feel?
- How do you go about?
- How would you approach?
- Do you have any questions?
Example(SAR format) Situation, Task , Action, Result
- Would you explain me bit about your current project?
- What are the tech stack used in your current project?
- How would you select what technologies to use?
- When have you gone above and beyond at work?
- Would you share with me your success stroy as an enginner?
- What was the highest volume system project you have worked in the past?
- What was the most challenging project you have ever worked on?
- Would you tell me how you handled difficult situations?
- If you handle again, how would you handle differently?
- Why would you like coding? (Do you passionate about coding?)
- How would you apporach learning new tech?
- How would you keep up with new techogoes?
- Why did your team select these stack?
- What’s your favorit stack? and why?
- How do you related XXXXXX?
- How would you handle conflict on your team?
- How would you handle conflict between teams?
- How would you go about setting up new team, project for our company?
- How would you handle a low performace employee?
- What approach would you take to create a high-performance team?
- Have you worked with an offshore team? How would you manage them?
- What metrics would you use? (KPI, metric reporting, data driven)