Mac Setting

Mac Setting #

Safari #

Empty Caches #

  1. Safari > Preferences
    This is a image
  2. Advanced
  3. Check Show Develop menu in menu bar This is a image
  4. Develop > Empty caches
    This is a image

Proxy Settings #

Switch On

  1. Safari > Preferences
    This is a image

  2. Advanced

  3. Change Settings... This is a image

  4. Select Proxies tab

    1. Check Web Proxy (HTTP) and enter proxy domain : proxy port
    2. Check Secure Web Proxy (HTTP) and enter proxy domain : proxy port
    3. Click OK This is a image
  5. Click Apply
    This is a image

  6. Restart Safari
    (It will take some time for the change to take effect)

Box Drive #

  • How to display Box Drive context menu
    • System Preferences > Extensions
    • Checl Box > Finder Extensions

Siri #

How to disable Siri #

Preview #

How to use two Mac apps side by side in Split View #

Port #

How to find a process on a specific port.

$ sudo lsof -i:<Port Number>


$ sudo lsof -i:5432

How to kill the process running on the specific port.

$ kill -9 <PID>